About BasicApe

Welcome to BasicApe—Where Freedom and Privacy Come First

In today’s digital age, the world of social media has become increasingly hostile to the very freedoms it was once meant to protect. Governments and media corporations are no longer subtle in their efforts to control and manipulate the information you receive. The censorship we face today is more aggressive and pervasive than ever before. Here's why BasicApe was created and what it stands for.

Censorship and the War on Free Expression

Every day, people are forced to walk on eggshells when they express themselves online. The words you use must be carefully chosen, often twisted and restructured, just to avoid triggering algorithms or offending unknown standards. This constant self-censorship dilutes your voice and makes authentic communication nearly impossible.

Images, too, are subject to this harsh scrutiny. What you share is either blurred, flagged, or hidden from others under the guise of "community standards." Algorithms decide what is appropriate and what isn’t, often hiding meaningful content and replacing it with superficial, brain-numbing material designed to keep you engaged but not enlightened.

The Invasion of Privacy

Modern devices have become more intrusive than ever. They listen to every word you say, track your location, and analyze your behavior—all to deliver targeted ads and monitor your activities. This invasion of privacy turns your daily life into data points, stripping away the intimacy of your personal experiences.

The BasicApe Difference

No Censorship: On BasicApe, you are free to express yourself in your most authentic form. There are no arbitrary rules to restrict your words or images. What you share is yours to decide, without fear of it being manipulated or hidden.

No Algorithms: We believe that human interaction should be free from the control of algorithms. At BasicApe, there are no hidden forces dictating what you see or what others see of you. Your experience is entirely organic, just as social media was meant to be.

No Data Collection: Your privacy is paramount. BasicApe doesn’t listen to you, track your location, or analyze your behavior. We don’t collect your data because we don’t believe it’s ours to collect. The only information we keep is the bare minimum needed to maintain your login—nothing more.

People Are Not the Product: On BasicApe, you are not the product. If there’s anything to be considered ‘The Product,’ it’s the platform itself—the space where genuine interactions and authentic content thrive. We prioritize your experience and freedom over data exploitation.

Creators Earn Fairly: At BasicApe, creators have multiple ways to earn revenue. You can receive tips directly from people who benefit from your content, bypassing the "cents on views" model. Additionally, creators can set up subscriptions for their content, allowing for a steady stream of support from subscribers who value their work.

Low-Tech, High-Value: BasicApe is deliberately low-tech. We focus on the basic functions necessary for human interaction—nothing more, nothing less. This simplicity is what sets us apart. Without the monitoring, data mining, and stress-inducing features of other platforms, BasicApe is a breath of fresh air in a world of overwhelming digital noise.

Invite-Only: To maintain the integrity of our community and limit the spread of bots and bad actors, BasicApe will eventually become an invite-only platform. This ensures that the digital footprint of our members stays within the community, protected from external threats and exploitation.

Why "BasicApe"?

The name BasicApe perfectly encapsulates the spirit of this platform. Here, you can behave in your most basic form—yes, even "Ape-Like"—without any worries. This is a place where you should feel comfortable being yourself, without the pressure of conforming to politically correct norms or community standards. We encourage genuine expression and raw interaction, free from the constraints imposed by other platforms.

A Journey of Freedom: From LustValley to BasicApe

BasicApe is the culmination of a journey that started with several experimental platforms. It began with LustValley, an early attempt to create a space free from the suffocating control of mainstream media. We learned valuable lessons about user freedom and privacy, which led to Furidamu, another step forward in creating a truly liberated digital environment. Following that was Superdamu, which refined these ideas further, laying the groundwork for what would become BasicApe.

Each of these projects taught us more about what people truly need from a social media platform: simplicity, freedom, and privacy. BasicApe is the final iteration of this vision—a place where you can interact without the fear of being monitored, censored, or manipulated.

Join the Troop

BasicApe is more than just a social media platform; it’s a movement towards reclaiming our digital freedom. By joining us, you become part of a community that values authentic interaction, unfiltered expression, and true privacy. Welcome to the troop—where freedom isn’t just a feature, it’s our foundation.